Iryna L. Andriichuk

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Ph.D.), Research Scientist
Department of physical and inorganic chemistry
Ukraine, 03028 Кyiv, prosp. Nauky, 31
Telephone: 38(044)525-77-79, 38(097)717-66-66

Research interests
Synthesis properties in solutions and in solid state of transition metal complexes with azamacrocyclic ligands; coordination polymers and metal-organic frameworks and composites based thereon, their adsorption and redox properties
Professional experience
2003–2004 | 1st degree Technician |
2004–2006 | 11st degree Engineer |
2006–2010 | 1st degree Engineer |
2006-2009 | Postgraduate |
2010-2020 | Junior Research Scientist |
2020– at present | Research Scientist |
– Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Chemical department (2006);
– Postgraduate study with a break from production at L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of NASU (2009);
– Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Ph.D.) in the specialty 02.00.01 – Inorganic chemistry, Ph.D. thesis “Crystal structure, redox reaction and sorption properties of metal-organic frameworks based on carboxylate azamacrocyclic nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes, supervisor – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. Ya.D. Lampeka (2010).
Total number of publications: articles – 12
Identification codes in scientometric database Scopus – – 6504387154
List of selected publications:
1. Tsymbal L. V., Andriichuk I. L., Shova S, Trzybiński D., Woźniak K, Arion V. B., Lampeka Ya. Coordination Polymers of the Macrocyclic Nickel(II) and Copper(II) Complexes with Isomeric Benzenedicarboxylates: The Case of Spatial Complementarity between the Bis-Macrocyclic Complexes and o‑Phthalate, Cryst. Growth Des., 2021, 21, 2355-2370.
2. Andriichuk I. L., Tsymbal L. V., Arion V. B., Lampeka Ya. D. Crystal structures of trans-diaqua(3-R-1,3,5,8,12-pentaazacyclotetra deca ne)copper(II) isophthalate hydrates (R = benzyl or 3′-picolyl) // Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.- 2019.- V. E75, N7, 1015-1019.
3. Tsymbal L. V., Andriichuk I. L., Arion V. B., Lampeka Ya. D. Crystal structures of trans-diaqua(3,10-dimethyl-1,3,5,8,10,12-hexaazacyclotetradecane)copper(II) pamoate // Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.- 2019.- V. E75, N5, 533-536