The Head of Department – Svitlana M. Orlyk
Corresponding Member of NASU, Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor
Telephone: 38 (044) 525-66-78
The department was established in October 2000 and included researchers of the departments of heterogeneous catalysis, ecological catalysis and catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons. Today, the department employs doctors of sciences and candidates of sciences who are pupils of the famous Ukrainian school of catalysis, created by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.A. Roiter and his followers (Corresponding Member of NASU V.M. Vlasenko, Prof. G.P. Korniychuk, Prof. V.Y. Volfson, Prof. V.M. Belousov).
Among the department’s achievements is the creation of a new generation of structured catalysts for environmental catalysis and hydrogen energy processes, in particular, for two-stage exhaust gas purification technology for internal combustion engines (soot filters with catalytic coating) and effective catalysts for three-component transformations (СО/СnHm/NOx), for combined natural gas reforming (methane and its С2-С4 homologues), nickel-alumina catalysts modified by oxides of rare earth elements for the tri-reforming of methane.
As a result of application of the developed approaches concerning bifunctionality of catalysts, for multistage processes the highly productive oxide and zeolite catalysts of the 1,3-butadiene production from ethanol are developed. The principle possibility of heterogeneous-catalytic sequential Guerbet condensation at atmospheric pressure in a flow reactor like ethanol→1-butanol→2-ethyl-1-hexanol is shown, which will allow one to obtain 2-ethylhexanol (an important substrate in the processes of obtaining plasticizers, surfactants and additives to lubricants and oils) from ethanol.
The main results of the research are summarized in separate chapters of collective monographs and review articles.
S.M. Orlyk and S.O. Soloviev (as members of the author’s group) are awarded by the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technicks for the cycle of scientific works “Adsorbed lays on a surface of transition metals: structure, electron processes, friction, kinetics of formation, catalysis” (2008).
The Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists awarded the series of scientific papers “Structural and functional design of new catalysts for the disposal of man-made gas emissions and catalytic fuel combustion” by T.V. Myroniuk, М.Р. Kantserova, O.V. Mokhnachuk (2007).
The Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists awarded the series of scientific papers “Development of nanostructured catalysts of a new generation for industrial processes and environmental protection” by E.V. Gubareni, P.I. Kyriienko, N.O. Popovych (2015).
The Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Young Scientists awarded the series of scientific papers “New efficient nanostructured catalysts based on zeolites and carbon nanotubes for the conversion of alcohols and unsaturated hydrocarbons into valuable products of the chemical industry” by O.V. Larina as a member of the author’s team (2019).
Young scientists of the department are laureates of the Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for Young Scientists, the Prize of Kyiv Mayor, holders of the Scholarships of the President of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Scholarship named after L.V. Pisarzhevskii. They received financial support for research under Grants of the President of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) for Young Scientists.
Lower row (from left to right): O.V. Larina, S.M. Orlyk, S.O. Soloviev, О.В. Zikrata, K.V. Valihura, A.Yu. Kapran.
Upper row (from left to right): P.I. Kyriienko, I.M. Remezovskyi, Ya.P. Kurylets, L.M. Alekseenko, D.E. Samoilenko, V.I. Chedryk.
The main areas of research
- Development of scientific bases for the creation of the newest redox processes of environmental catalysis, hydrogen energy and processes for obtaining of valuable products from renewable raw materials;
- Structural and functional design of catalysts for neutralization of technogenic gas emissions from mobile and stationary sources (СО, NOx, CnHm, О3), catalytic combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, conversion of greenhouse gases (СО2, СН4, N2O), catalysts for tandem processes of obtaining industrially important dienes from С2, С4-bioalcohols;
- Kinetics and mechanism of redox reactions involving carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, hydrocarbons, oxygenates.
The most important results in recent years
- Scientific approaches to the development of bifunctional catalysts for multistage ethanol conversion processes to obtain butadiene have been developed. As a result of elucidation of the influence of the components of oxide MxOy-SiO2 (M = Mg, Zn, Zr, La) and zeolite Ta/SiBEA systems on acid-base properties of the surface, selective high-performance catalysts for the production of 1,3-butadiene from ethanol were developed. The catalyst with a composition of 2%ZnO/6%La/1%ZrO2-SiO2 for selective (up to 70%) conversion of ethanol and ethanol-aqueous mixtures into 1,3-butadiene with high productivity is a superior to other known analogues in terms of performance and stability.
More details:
- Larina, O.V; Remezovskyi, I.M.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M. 1,3-Butadiene Production from Ethanol–Water Mixtures over Zn–La–Zr–Si Oxide Catalyst. React. Kinet. Mech. Catal. 2019, 127 (2), 903–915.
- Kyriienko, P.I.; Larina, O.V.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M.; Calers, C.; Dzwigaj, S. Ethanol Conversion into 1,3-Butadiene by the Lebedev Method over MTaSiBEA Zeolites (M = Ag, Cu, Zn). ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2017, 5(3), 2075–2083.
- Larina, O.V.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Soloviev, S.O. Effect of Lanthanum in Zn-La(-Zr)-Si Oxide Compositions on their Activity in the Conversion of Ethanol into 1,3-Butadiene. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2016, 52(1), 51–56.
The principal possibility of heterogeneous catalytic conversion ethanol → 1-butanol → 2-ethyl-1-hexanol via Guerbet reaction at atmospheric pressure in a flow reactor is shown. It will allow one to obtain 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, an important substrate for plasticizers, surfactants, additives to lubricants and oils, from ethanol. The highest yield of С4, С8 alcohols is achieved in the presence of Mg-Al(-Ce) oxide catalysts (Mg/Al = 2/1), due to the optimal ratio of acid and basic sites on their surface. Regulation of acid-base surface characteristics by partial substitution of calcium with magnesium in the hydroxyapatite catalyst Mg-HAP (confirmed by XRD, SEM, XPS, IRS) provides an increase in selectivity of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol formation in the Guerbet condensation of С2,4-alcohols to 62% (at 300⁰C).
Obtaining of C4,8-alcohols from renewable raw materials
More details:
- Larina, O.V.; Valihura, K.V.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Vlasenko, N.V.; Balakin, D.Y.; Khalakhan, I.; Veltruská, K.; Čendak, T.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M. Catalytic performance of ternary Mg-Al-Ce oxides for ethanol conversion into 1-butanol in a flow reactor. J. Fuel Chem. Technol. 2021, 49(3), 347–358.
- Valihura, K.V.; Soloviev, S.O. Catalysts for vapor phase condensation of С1-С4 alcohols with carbon chain elongation. Catalysis and petrochemistry. 2020, 29, 32–51.
- Larina, O.V.; Valihura, K.V.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Vlasenko, N.V.; Balakin, D.Y.; Khalakhan, I.; Čendak, T.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M. Successive Vapour Phase Guerbet Condensation of Ethanol and 1-Butanol over Mg-Al Oxide Catalysts in a Flow Reactor. Appl. Catal. A Gen. 2019, 588, 117265.
It have been developed the effective structured catalysts for the reduction of nitrogen oxides in oxygen-containing gas emissions by reducing agents of different chemical nature: selective reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides (I), (II) with С1-С4-hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide over CoхOу/(НZSM5–Al2O3)/cordierite, CoO/ZrO2/kaolinoaerosil, Pd/Со3О4-CeO2/cordierite and selective reduction of nitrogen oxides with С2,С4-alcohols over Ag/Al2O3/cordierite, which are better than foreign analogues.
More details:
- Orlyk, S.M.; Boichuk, T.M.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Popovych, N.O. Structure-Functional Design of Catalysts for Nitrogen (I), (II) Oxides Reduction. Adsorpt. Sci. Technol. 2015, 33(6–8), 595–600.
- Kyriienko, P.I.; Popovych, N.O.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M.; Dzwigaj, S. Remarkable activity of Ag/Al2O3/cordierite catalysts in SCR of NO with ethanol and butanol. Appl. Catal. B. 2013, 140–141, 691–699.
- Orlik, S.N.; Mironyuk, T.V.; Boichuk, T.M. Structural functional design of catalysts for conversion of nitrogen(I, II) oxides. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2012, 48, 73–97.
- Popovych, N.; Kirienko, P.; Soloviev, S.; Orlyk, S. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx by C2H5OH over Ag/Al2O3/cordierite: Effect of the surface concentration of silver. Catal. Today. 2012, 191, 38–41.
- Soloviev, S.O.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Popovych, N.O. Effect of CeO2 and Al2O3 on the activity of Pd/Co3O4/cordierite catalyst in the three-way catalysis reactions (CO/NO/CnHm). J. Environ. Sci. 2012, 24(7), 1327–1333.
- Kirienko, P.I.; Solov’ev, S.A.; Orlik, S.N. Effect of Pd and rare earth oxides (La2O3, CeO2) on the properties of a Co3O4/cordierite catalyst in reduction of O2 and NO by hydrogen. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2010, 46(1), 39–44.
The nanocomposite oxide catalysts Mn, (La, Sr, Ba)/ Al2O3, (ZrO2), spinel structures МеFe2O4 (Me Mn, Co, Ni) formed on the surface of structured carriers of cordierite and kaolin-aerosil for flameless catalytic combustion (deep oxidation) of hydrocarbon fuels are developed. The catalysts provide 80-100% conversion of methane to СО2 and can be used in catalytic heat generators, as well as the systems for catalytic purification of exhaust gases from methane impurities and С2-С4 homologues.
More details:
- Kantserova, M.R.; Orlik, S.N.; Shvets, A.V. Effect of the composition of an oxide coating and the preparation method of block catalysts on their activity in the deep oxidation of methane. Catal. Ind. 2014, 6, 88–93.
Structured nickel-alumina catalysts modified with oxides of rare earth elements (La, Ce) – Ni/(CeO2,La2O3)/Al2O3/cordierite have been developed. The combined reforming (oxy-vapour conversion) of natural gas (methane and its С2-С4 homologues) and the process of tri-reforming of methane (TRM) as a synergistic combination of steam and carbon dioxide reforming with partial oxidation of methane is performed. This process provides a stable TRM with high conversions of СН4 and СО2, adjustable ratio H2/CO (1.4–2.5) in synthesis gas and thermal regime of the process, including the ability to carry out the process in autothermal (thermoneutral) mode.
More details:
- Solov’ev, S.A.; Gubareni, Ye.V.; Kurilets, Ya.P.; Orlik, S.N. Tri-reforming of methane on structured Ni-containing catalysts. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2012, 48(3), 199–205.
- Soloviev, S.O.; Kapran, A.Y.; Orlyk, S.N.; Gubareni, E.V. Carbon dioxide reforming of methane on monolithic Ni/Al2O3-based catalysts. J. Nat. Gas Chem. 2011, 20(2), 184–190.
The developed approaches to the structurally sensitive reaction of deep oxidation of methane were used in the study of oxidative reforming processes on prototypes of anode materials of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) in direct conversion of hydrocarbon fuels. The influence of transition metal oxides (Cu, Co, Ni, Ce) and platinum group metals (Pt, Pd, Rh) in the composition of composites based on yttrium-(scandium)-stabilized zirconium dioxide on their catalytic properties (sulphur resistance) and resource characteristics (heat resistance, tendency to carbonization, stability) in methane oxidation reactions was clarified. The high activity of composites (75–99% methane conversion in the temperature range of 600–800 °С) correlates with the amount and mobility of surface oxygen in them. The promoting effect of platinum group metals in the composite PMG-CuО-NiО/(YSZ+CeO2) depends on the reaction medium (stoichiometry of partial or deep methane oxidation, the presence of sulphur dioxide).
Ni-containing composites based on 10Sc1CeSZ, as prototypes of anodic materials of fuel cells, showed high activity and stability in the processes of oxidative reforming of С1, С4 alkanes (tri-reforming of methane and steam reforming of butane), which simulate electrochemical oxidation of hydrocarbon. Modification of Ni-10Sc1CeSZ composite Cu and CeO2 increases its resistance to carbonization. Modification with additives Pt and Pd (0.1% wt.) increases resistance to the deactivating effect of H2S. The activity and resource characteristics of the developed block catalysts of honeycomb structure Ni-(CeO2, La2O3)-Al2O3/cordierite do not concede to other known industrial catalysts (HT R 67 and ICI 57-7). The catalysts can be applied in the processes of oxidative reforming of hydrocarbon reformer-heat exchanger to increase the efficiency of ceramic fuel cells.
More details:
- Kantserova, M.R.; Orlyk, S.M.; Vasylyev, O.D. Catalytic Activity and Resistance to Sulfur Poisoning of Nickel-Containing Composites Based on Stabilized Zirconia in Tri-reforming of Methane. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2018, 53, 387–394.
- Kantserova, M.R.; Gubareni, E.V., Chedryk, V.I.; Orlyk, S.M.; Vasylyev, O.D. Catalytic and resource characteristics of composites, the prototypes of SOFCs anodes, in the processes of C1-C4 alkanes oxidative reforming. Фундаментальні аспекти відновлювано-водневої енергетики і паливно-комірчаних технологій, НАН України. «КІМ», 2018, 205–211.
- Kantserova, M.R.; Chedryk, V.I.; Orlyk, S.N. Activity and Stability of Multicomponent Nickel-Containing Catalysts Supported on Zirconia in the Steam Reforming and Oxidative Steam Reforming of Butane. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2015, 50, 378–383.
- Orlyk, S.N.; Shashkova, T.K. Effect of the composition and structural and size characteristics of composites based on stabilized zirconia and transition metal (Cu, Co, Ni) oxides on their catalytic properties in methane oxidation reactions. Kinetics and Catalysis. 2014, 55(5), 599–610.
- Shashkova, T.K.; Orlyk, S.M.; Pyatnitsky, Y.I. Sulfur resistance of binary Cu–Ni-oxide composites based on yttrium-stabilized zirconia doped with Pd, Pt, Rh in the oxidative conversion of methane. Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat. 2013, 110, 75–85.
Structured metal oxide catalysts Cu-ZnO-MxOy/Al2O3/cordierite (M: Ce, La, Ni, Mg) have been developed for methanol reforming processes with hydrogen production (decomposition, oxygen and steam conversion, combined reforming), which provide hydrogen yield >90%→100%. The influence of modifying additives of cerium, lanthanum and nickel oxides in the decomposition reaction of CH3OH, influence of magnesium oxide and the ratio of СН3ОН/Н2О reagents in the processes of steam and oxy-steam conversion of methanol is substantiated. Recommendations for improving methanol reforming catalysts are given.
A method for methyl acetate producing by combining vapor-phase reactions of methanol decomposition (CO generation) and subsequent carbonylation over CuO-NiO-ZnO/Al2O3/cordierite and NiCl2-CuCl2/AC (or cordierite) catalysts is proposed. The implementation of the tandem process lays in a combination of vapor-phase reactions decomposition and carbonylation of methanol in the presence of two catalysts placed in series-connected reactors or a reactor with two temperature zones. It provides the production of methyl acetate in the absence of carbon monoxide in the initial reaction mixture. The yield and productivity of methyl acetate in the tandem process are 13–16.5% and 4.2–11.5 gMeOAc⋅kg-1cath-1.
Scheme of the tandem process for the production of methyl acetate from methanol
More details:
- Kapran, A.Yu.; Chedryk, V.I.; Alekseenko, L.M.; Orlyk, S.M. Carbonylation of Methanol over Nickel-Copper Based Supported Catalysts. Catal. Lett. 2021, 151(4), 993–1002.
- Kapran, A.Yu.; Chedryk, V.I.; Alekseenko, L.M.; Yaremov, P.S.; Orlyk, S.M. Production of Methyl Acetate from Methanol in Vapor-Phase Tandem Reactions on Supported Copper-Nickel Catalysts. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2019, 55(4), 258–265.
- Kapran, A.Yu.; Orlyk, S.M. Hydrogen Production in Methanol Reforming on Modified Copper–Zinc Catalysts: A Review. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2017, 53(1) 1–16.
- Kapran, A.Yu.; Orlyk, S.N.; Soloviev, S.O. Decomposition of Methanol on ZnO(CeO2, La2O3)-CuO-NiO-Based Monoliths. Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat. 2015, 114(1), 135–145.
International cooperation
The department cooperates with:
- Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, Sorbonne Université-CNRS (Paris, France) to develop new catalysts for redox processes involving NOx, CnHm, CnHmOl and training of young scientists (since 2012);
- Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (Novosibirsk, Russia) on hydrogen energy processes, including І.М. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NASU for the development of prototypes of TOPE anode materials (since 2006);
- Dibrugarh University (Assam, India) in the framework of the Ukrainian-Indian research project (2008-2010);
- Changchun University of Science and Technology (Changchun, China) in the framework of the project “Development of catalysts for the purification of gaseous emissions of cars with low platinum metal content for cars manufactured in China” (2006-2008).
Scientific and technical developments of the Department
The department has created a number of scientific and technical developments for practical application.
Research Scientists of the Department
- Sergiy O. Soloviev Corresponding Member of NASU, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Scientist. Telephone: 38 (044) 525-66-70. E-mail:
- Andriy Yu. Kapran Сandidate of Сhemical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Research Scientist. Telephone: 38 (044) 525-62-22, 38 (098) 443-91-44. E-mail:
- Pavlo I. Kyriienko Сandidate of Сhemical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Research Scientist. Telephone: 38 (044) 525-62-22, 38 (050) 573-00-09. E-mail:
- Olga V. Larina Сandidate of Сhemical Sciences (Ph.D.), Research Scientist. Telephone: 38 (044) 525-62-22. E-mail:
- Karina V. Valihura Doctor of Philosophy, Junior Research Scientist. Telephone: 38 (044) 525-62-22. E-mail:
Postgraduates of the Department
Denys E. Samoilenko Education
Theme of dissertation
Oksana V. Zikrata Education
Theme of dissertation
Ivan M. Remezovskyi Education
Theme of dissertation
Scientific equipment of the Department
Laboratory installations for studying catalyst activity and kinetic of heterogeneous catalytic processes; device for determining the specific surface, installation for the study of catalysts by thermoprogrammed hydrogen reduction, gas chromatographs NeoChrome, CrystalLux 4000M and Color600, gas analyser ANKAT-410 (NO, NO2, NH3), IR-spectrophotometer Buck Scientific M-500, automatic system AMI-300Lite Altamira Instruments for determining catalyst characteristics (chemisorption study).
List of selected publications
- Orlyk, S.M.; Kantserova, M.R.; Chedryk, V.I.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Balakin, D.Y.; Millot, Y.; Dzwigaj, S. Ga(Nb,Ta)SiBEA zeolites prepared by two-step postsynthesis method: acid–base characteristics and catalytic performance in the dehydrogenation of propane to propylene with CO2. J. Porous Mater. 2021.
- Kapran, A.Yu.; Chedryk, V.I.; Alekseenko, L.M.; Orlyk, S.M. Carbonylation of Methanol over Nickel-Copper Based Supported Catalysts. Catal. Lett. 2021, 151(4), 993–1002.
- Larina, O.V.; Shcherban, N.D.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Remezovskyi, I.M.; Yaremov, P.S.; Khalakhan, I.; Mali, G.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M.; Dzwigaj, S. Design of Effective Catalysts Based on ZnLaZrSi Oxide Systems for Obtaining 1,3-Butadiene from Aqueous Ethanol. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2020, 8(44), 16600–16611.
- Kyriienko, P.I.; Larina, O.V.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M. Catalytic Conversion of Ethanol Into 1,3-Butadiene: Achievements and Prospects: A Review. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2020, 56(4), 213–242.
- Larina, O.V.; Valihura, K.V.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Vlasenko, N.V.; Balakin, D.Y.; Khalakhan, I.; Čendak, T.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M. Successive Vapour Phase Guerbet Condensation of Ethanol and 1-Butanol over Mg-Al Oxide Catalysts in a Flow Reactor. Appl. Catal. A Gen. 2019, 588, 117265.
- Soloviev, S.O.; Kyriienko, P.I.; Popovych, N.O.; Larina, O.V. Development of catalysts for neutralizing toxic nitrogen oxides in gas emissions of nitrogen acid production. Science and Innovation. 2019, 15(1), 59–71.
- Soloviev, S.O.; Gubareni, I.V.; Orlyk, S.M. Oxidative Reforming of Methane on Structured Nickel–Alumina Catalysts: A Review. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2018, 54(5), 293–315.
- Kyriienko, P.I.; Larina, O.V.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M.; Calers, C.; Dzwigaj, S. Ethanol Conversion into 1,3-Butadiene by the Lebedev Method over MTaSiBEA Zeolites (M = Ag, Cu, Zn). ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2017, 5(3), 2075–2083.
- Kapran, A.Yu.; Orlyk, S.M. Hydrogen Production in Methanol Reforming on Modified Copper–Zinc Catalysts: A Review. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2017, 53(1) 1–16.
- Popovych, N.O.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M. Selective Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) with Oxygenates and Hydrocarbons over Bifunctional Silver–Alumina Catalysts: A Review. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2016, 52, 133–151.
- Kantserova, M.R.; Orlik, S.N.; Shvets, A.V. Effect of the composition of an oxide coating and the preparation method of block catalysts on their activity in the deep oxidation of methane. Catal. Ind. 2014, 6, 88–93.
- Kyriienko, P.I.; Popovych, N.O.; Soloviev, S.O.; Orlyk, S.M.; Dzwigaj, S. Remarkable activity of Ag/Al2O3/cordierite catalysts in SCR of NO with ethanol and butanol. Appl. Catal. B. 2013, 140–141, 691–699.
- Orlik, S.N.; Mironyuk, T.V.; Boichuk, T.M. Structural functional design of catalysts for conversion of nitrogen(I, II) oxides. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2012, 48(2) 73–97.
- Solov’ev, S.A.; Gubareni, Ye.V.; Kurilets, Ya.P.; Orlik, S.N. Tri-reforming of methane on structured Ni-containing catalysts. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2012, 48(3) 199–205.
- Soloviev, S.O.; Kapran, A.Y.; Orlyk, S.N.; Gubareni, E.V. Carbon dioxide reforming of methane on monolithic Ni/Al2O3-based catalysts. J. Nat. Gas Chem. 2011, 20(2), 184–190.
List of selected patents
- Soloviev S.O., Zhihailo B.D., Vyshnytsky A.B., Kyriienko P.I., Larina O.V., Tyshchenko M.T. Method of manufacturing a catalyst for the selective reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia. Patent of Ukraine № 145558 dated 28.12.2020.
- Valihura K.V., Larina O.V., Kyriienko P.I., Soloviev S.O., Orlyk S.M. Method of 2-ethylhexanol obtaining. Patent of Ukraine № 134054 dated April 25, 2019.
- Larina O.V., Kyriienko P.I., Soloviev S.O., Orlyk S.M. Method of obtaining of a catalyst for the synthesis of 1,3-butadiene from ethanol and ethanol-aqueous mixtures. Patent of Ukraine № 133763 dated April 25, 2019.
- Kapran A.Yu., Chedryk V.I., Alekseenko L.M., Borysevych V.S., Orlyk S.M. Method of methyl acetate obtaining. Patent of Ukraine № 131397 dated January 10, 2019.
- Gubareni E.V., Soloviev S.O., Orlyk S.M., Kurylets Ya.P. Nickel-containing catalyst for methane trireforming. Patent of Ukraine № 108461 dated 25.07.2016.
- Kapran A.Yu., Alekseenko L.M., Orlyk S.M. Metal oxide catalyst for the decomposition of methanol. Patent of Ukraine №96249 dated January 26, 2015.
- Kyriienko P.I., Larina O.V., Soloviev S.O. Method of obtaining of a catalyst for the synthesis of 1,3-butadiene from ethanol. Patent of Ukraine №102388 dated 26.10.2015.
- Kyriienko P.I., Trypolsky A.I., Soloviev S.O., Strizhak P.E. Method of obtaining of a catalyst for an autonomous heat generator based on flameless combustion of gaseous hydrocarbon fuel. Patent of Ukraine №103813 dated 25.12.2015.
- Boychuk T.M., Kyriienko P.I., Orlyk S.M., Soloviev S.O. Catalyst for disposal of nitrogen oxides (I, II) in gas emissions. Patent of Ukraine №102710 dated 10.11.2015.
- Soloviev S.O., Kyriienko P.I., Popovich N.O., Kurylets Ya.P. Method of manufacturing of a catalyst for purification of gas mixtures from nitrogen oxides. Patent of Ukraine №85669 dated 25.11.2013.
- Kantserova M.R., Orlyk S.M., Soloviev S.O. Catalyst for deep oxidation of hydrocarbons. Patent of Ukraine №77552 dated 25.02.2013.
- Soloviev S.O., Kurylets J.P., Orlyk S.M., Shamray O.A. Method of manufacturing of a catalytic reactor for devices of cleaning exhaust gases of automobiles. Patent of Ukraine № 9027 dated 25.05.2007.