The Department Head
Strizhak Peter E.
Doctor of Chemistry, Professor
Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine
prosp. Nauky, 31, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine
tel.: 38 (044) 525-66-63, fax: 38 (044) 525-66-63
Brief General Description of the Department
The department is one of the oldest in the former USSR and the first Ukrainian center of catalytic processes researches. Organized in 1927 as the electrochemistry department, it was reorganized into the catalytic department in 1932; then since 1963 till 1989 – Department of the heterogeneous catalysis. In different years the department was headed by: academician Pysarzhevsky L.V. (1927-1934), academician of Ukranian academy of sciences Royter V.A. (1934-1973), Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Korniytchuk G.P. (1973-1981), Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Piatnytsky U.I.(1981-1989), corresponding member of National Academy of Ukraine Golodets G.I. (1989-1992), Doctor of Chemistry Professor Pavlenko M. V. (1992-200). At present 28 research workers including 4 Doctors of Chemistry and 11 Candidates of science work in the Department.
Main research directions
Synthesis and application of nanostructures and nanoparticles in heterogeneous catalysis;
Quantum-sized effect and nano-sized factor in heterogeneous catalysis;
Physico-chemical principles of heterogeneous- catalytic redox and acid-base conversions of single-carbon molecules on catalysts of various chemical types;
The Fischer–Tropsch process;
Synthesis of valuable substances based on low alcohols (olefins, alkyl-tert-butyl ethers, ethylbenzene, styrene);
Development of new catalytic processes of obtaining hydrogen from hydrocarbon raw material, alcohol, etc.;
Nonlinear phenomena in heterogeneous catalysis;
Theoretical study of catalysis on fractal and heterogeneous structures;
Catalytic properties of carbon-containing nanostructures, in particular graphenes, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, etc.
Recent most important results
Scientific approaches as to creation of new heterogeneous-catalytic processes and catalysts on the basis of modern materials ( in particular, nanoparticles of transition and precious metals, various oxide systems, nanoporous materials, carbon nanotubes) have been developed. It has been proved that metals and their oxides reveal considerable catalytic activity in redox-conversion providing that the size of the particles is reduced to 2-5 nm whereas their microparticles are catalytically inactive. The factors which define the active-phased catalysts nanoparticles’ size influence on their activity have been formulated. Approaches as to the newest catalycally active material design have been developed (in particular, on the basis of nanoparticles of metals and oxide metals with controlled size).
According to the study of thermodynamics, kinetics and mass exchange of oxide-based heterogeneous-catalytic processes connection between localization of oxide centres on the catalyst surface and its activity has been established. One of the consequences of this physical-chemical regularity is experimentally determined reduction of oxide-based catalysts providing that the concentration of oxide centres has been increased. Heterogeneous-catalytic technique of synthesis of carbon nanotubes, carbon–nitrogen nanotubes, graphene-like material structures and catalysts has been developed.
Macrokinetics approach, based on the use of fractal dimension in order to take into consideration the peculiarities of the running of heterogeneous-catalytic reactions, as well as diffusion of reagents and products has been generalized.
The results in the field of hydrogen energy and non-conventional technology of processing and using coal or biologically-originated raw materials have been obtained. Two-tier cascade technological pattern of obtaining the mixture of monatomic aliphatic C1-C6-alcohols from syngas has been developed. The Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalyst and industrial catalyst of cyclohexanol dehydration catalyst have been improved. Low-temperature catalyst of carbon monoxide preferential oxidation in order to purify hydrogen for fuel cells has been developed. Low-temperature catalyst of obtaining hydrogen from ethanol fuel as well as catalyst of obtaining carbohydrate from vegetable oil at low temperatures have been developed. Inorganic-organic catalyst of ethyl-tert-butyl ether has been developed. In order to obtain hydrogen from renewal raw material the catalysts of carbon-containing waste products gasification and water vapor conversion of carbon monoxide have been developed.
Scientific cooperation
• Chemical Research Center of Centre for Energy Research, HAS, Budapest (Hungary), Dr. L. Borko, the project “Advanced catalytic materials based on transition metal oxides nanoparticles"
• Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Industry of Shandun University, Tszynan (China), Professor D. Chen, project “Nanocatalysts: application in materials to produce secondary energy and environmental protection"
• Institute of Chemistry, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the project “Fractal approach to the analysis of transport phenomena in catalysis: theory and practical application"
• Middle East Technical University and Gazi University, Ankara (Turkey) Professor. Prof. T. Dogu, prof. G. Dogu, project “Catalysts based on nanomaterials for bio-ethanol conversion process"
• Boreskov Institute of Catalysis. SB RAS, project “Nanocomposite catalysts for processes of hydrogen obtaining and purification " Dr. E.M.Moroz.
• Indian institute of petroleum (India, Dehradun), doctor Sinha Anil Rumar, спільний україно-індійський проект «Study of new processes of motor fuel from waste. Generation of hydrogen and synthesis gas from solid waste and biomass waste. Conversion of biomass derived gases (syngas) in liquid biofuels of the second and third generation».
Scientific Staff of Department:
Nina V.Vlasenko, PhD (Kinetics & Catalysis); tel.:+38(044)525-65-33; e-mail:
Olga Z. Didenko, PhD (Kinetics & Catalysis); e-mail:
Lidiya Yu.Dolgikh, PhD (Kinetics & Catalysis); tel.:+38(044)525-65-70; e-mail:
Gulnara R.Kosmambetova, PhD (Kinetics & Catalysis); tel.:+38(044)525-72-35; e-mail:
Yuri I.Pyatnitsky, Doctor of Sciences (Kinetics & Catalysis), professor; tel.:+38(044)525-44-35; e-mail:
Andrey I. Trypolskyi, PhD (Kinetics & Catalysis); tel: +38(044) 525-66-58; e-mail:
Bychko Igor Bogdanovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Junior Researcher; tel: +38(044) 525-67-65; e-mail:
Zhokh Oleksii Oleksiyovych, Ph.D., senior researcher; tel: +38 (044) 525-66-63; e-mail:
Stolyarchuk Irina Leonidovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Junior Research Fellow; tel: +38 (097) 565 2818; e-mail:
Alexander A. Abakumov, Junior research scientist; tel: +38(044) 525 66 76; e-mail:
List of Selected Publications
1. I. L. Stolyarchuk, L. Yu. Dolgikh, I. V. Vasilenko, Yu. I. Pyatnitskii and P. E. Strizhak. Catalysis of steam reforming of ethanol by nanosized manganese ferrite for hydrogen production. Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry, Volume 48, Number 2 (2012) 129-134.
2. P. E. Strizhak, A. I. Trypolskyi, G. R. Kosmambetova, O. Z. Didenko, and T. N. Gurnyk «Geometric and Electronic Approaches to Size Effects in Heterogeneous Catalysis», // Kinetics and Catalysis, 2011, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 128–138.
3. G.R. Kosmambetova, E.М. Moroz, A.V. Guralsky, V.P. Pakharukova, A.I. Boronin, T.S. Ivashchenko, V.I. Gritsenko, P.Е. Strizhak «Low temperature hydrogen purification from CO for fuel cell application over copper-ceria catalysts supported on different oxides», International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, V.36, #1, 2011, P.1271-1275
4. V. P. Pakharukova, E. M. Moroz, D. A. Zyuzin, V. I. Zaikovskii, F.r V. Tuzikov, G. R. Kosmambetova, P. E. Strizhak, Structure characterization of nanocrystalline yttria-doped zirconia powders prepared via microwave-assisted synthesis, J. Phys. Chem. C , 2012, 116 (17), pp 9762–9768..
5. O. Z. Didenko, G.R. Kosmambetova, P. E. Strizhak «Size effect in CO oxidation over magnesia-supported ZnO nanoparticles», Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, V. 335, № 1-2, 2011, P. 14-23
6. Puziy A.M., Poddubnaya O.I., Kochkin Yu.N., Vlasenko N.V., Tsyba M.M. Acid properties of phosphoric acid activated carbons and their catalytic behavior in ETBE synthesis // Carbon, 2010, V.-48, N. 3, p. 706-713
7. Strizhak P.E., Vlasenko N.V., Kochkin Yu.N., Kalishyn Ye.Yu.,Tel’biz G.M. Genesis of H-ZSM-11 acidity ander hydrogen and water vapor treatment// Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Enginnering, 2010, V.- 4, N. 7, p. 24-28
8. Gurnyk T.M., Trypolskyi A.I., Ivashchenko T.S., Strizhak P.E. Porosity and fractality of yttria stabilized zirconia nanopowders obtained by microwave assisted synthesis and calcined at different temperature // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2010, V.- 356, p. 941-944
9. Vlasenko N.V., Kochkin Yu.N.,Topka A.V., Strizhak P.E. Liquid-phase synthesis of ethyl tert-butyl ether over acid cation-exchange inorganic-organic resins. // Appl.Catal.A: General. – 2009.-V.362. No.1-2.- P. 82–87.
10. Trypolskyi A.I., Gurnyk, T.M. Strizhak P.E. The fractal approach to the CO oxidation on silica porous materials // Chem. Phys. Letters.- 2008.-v.460.- P.492-494.
11. Kosmambetova G. R., Strizhak P. E., Gritsenko V. I., Volkov S. V., Kharkova L. B., Yanko O. G., Korduban O. M. Methane Oxidative Carbonylation Catalyzed by Rhodium Chalcogen Halides over Carbon Supports // J. of Natural Gas Chem. – 2008 -Vol. 17, №1. – P.1-7.
Scientific and Technological Developments of Department
• Complex conversion of coal mine methane to heat and valuable chemicals.
• Obtaining of liquid motor fuel (a mixture of 40% gasoline, 60% diesel) from brown coal (shale).
• Obtaining of liquid motor fuel (a mixture of 40% gasoline, 60% diesel) from peat (sopropel).
• Synthesis of ethyl tert-butyl ether from ethanol and isobutylene.
• Obtaining of dimethoxymethane from synthesis gas.
• Synthesis of dimethyl ether from synthesis gas.
• Conversion of methane to ethylene.
• Conversion of methane to formaldehyde.
• Synthesis of methyl acetate and acetic acid by oxidative carbonylation of methane and catalysts for this reaction.
• Preferential obtaining of higher C2-C6 aliphatic alcohols mixture from synthesis gas and catalysts for this process.