Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Chemistry (habilitat), Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Deputy Director of the Institute on Scientific Affairs and the Laboratory Head
Tel: +(380) 44 525 42 28
Fax +(380) 44 525 62 16
The area of main scientific interests: hysico- inorganic chemistry, in particular:
– the theory of chemical structure in coordination compounds;
– the molecular magnetism of 3d- і 4f- metal polynuclear complexes;
– processes with electron transfer: the electrochemistry of coordination compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions;
– physical chemistry of magnetic nanoparticles;
Professional records
Years Position
1978-1981 рр. Ph.D. student in L.V.Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR
1981-1987 рр. Junior research scientist in the same Institute
1987-1990 рр. Research scientist in the same Institute
1990-1995 рр. Senior research scientist in the same Institute
1992-1996 рр. Scientific Secretary L.V.Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1996-2003 рр. Leading research scientist in the same Institute
2003 р.- The Laboratory Head in the same Institute
2003 р.- Deputy Director of the Institute on Scientific
– graduated from T.G. Shevchenko State University, Department of Chemistry (1978)
– Ph.D. studentship in L.V.Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR (1978-1981)
– Ph.D. (Inorganic Chemistry) – L.V.Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR, 1982
– Postdoctoral Fellowship in Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (group of Dr A.W. Addison) 1990-1991
– Doctor of Chemistry (habilitat in Inorganic Chemistry)- 1995
– Professor (Inorganic Chemistry) – 2004
Scientific Awards
State Prize Prize of the Ukraine in the field of Science and Technology (2007), L.V.Pisarzhevskii Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1997).
Elected as the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, specialty – physic-inorganic chemistry – 2009.
Scientific ties
– Department of Chemistry Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (group of Dr A.W. Addison) – according to Agreement about collaboration in the field of physical chemistry of polynuclear complexes;
– The Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry of CNRS, Rennes, France – Prof. L. Ouahab- grants within the Agreement on cooperation between the NAS of the Ukraine and CNRS- studies of magnetism of polynuclear complexes and nanoparticles.
– Department of Chemistry of Memorial University, Canada-Prof. L. Thompson – molecular magnetism of polynuclear complexes;
– N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow- academician V.М.Novotortsev and І.L.Yeremenko- studies of molecular and crystal structure of polynuclear complexes.
Selected publications
1. Pavlishchuk V. V., Kolotilov S. V., Addison A. W., Prushan M. J., Butcher R. J., Thompson L. K. Mono- and Trinuclear Nickel(II) Complexes with Sulfur-Containing Oxime Ligands: Uncommon Templated Coupling of Oxime with Nitrile. Inorg. Chem. 1999, v. 38(8), pp. 1759-1766.
2. Pavlishchuk, V. V.; Koval, I. A.; Goreshnik, E. A.; Addison, A. W.; van Albada G. A; Reedijk J. The First Example of a True ‘‘Turnbull’s Blue’’ Family Compound with Trapped Iron Oxidation States. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2001 , 297-301.
3. V.V. Pavlishchuk, S.V. Kolotilov, A.W. Addison, M.J. Prushan, D. Schollmeyer, L.K.Thompson, E.A.Goreshnik A Tetrameric Nickel (II) “Chair" with both Antiferromagnetic Internal Coupling and Ferromagnetic Spin Alignment Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, No. 24, 4734-4737.
4. V.V. Pavlishchuk, S.V. Kolotilov, A.W. Addison, M.J. Prushan, R.J. Butcher, L.K. Thompson A New Class of Macrocyclic Complexes Formed via Nickel-Promoted Macrocyclisation of Dioxime with Dinitrile Chem. Commun. 2002, P.468-469.
5. Gavrilenko K.S., Vértes A., Vanko G., Kiss L.F., Addison A.W., Weyhermüller T., Pavlishchuk V.V., Synthesis, magnetochemistry and spectroscopy of heterometallic trinuclear basic acetates [Fe2M m3-O(CF3COO)6(H2O)3] · H2O (M = Mn, Co, Ni), Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2002, 2002(12), 3356-3363.
6. Pavlishchuk, V. V.; Birkelbach, F.; Weyhermüller, T.; Wieghardt, K.; Chaudhuri, P. Polynuclear Complexes of the Pendent-Arm Ligand 1,4,7-Tris(acetophenoneoxime)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane Inorg. Chem. 2002, 41, 4405-4416
7. V. V. Pavlishchuk, S. V. Kolotilov, A. W. Addison, M. J. Prushan, D. Schollmeyer, L. K. Thompson, T. Weyhermüller, E. A. Goreshnik Structural, magnetic and related attributes of some oximate-bridged tetranuclear nickel(II) rhombs and a dinuclear congener J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 2003, P. 1588-95.
8. V.V.Pavlishchuk Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) tris(pyrazolyl)borate complexes with 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-carboxy-phenol: formation of coordinated phenoxyl radical Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2005, 8, 10, 932-935
9. Gavrilenko K.S., Punin S.V., Cador O., Golhen S., Ouahab L., Pavlishchuk V.V. Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism of Heterometallic Carboxylate Complexes [MnIII2MII4O2(PhCOO)10(DMF)4], M = MnII, CoII, NiII, Inorg. Chem., 2005, 44(16), 5903-5910.
10. Gavrilenko K.S., Punin S.V., Cador O., Golhen S., Ouahab L., Pavlishchuk V.V. In situ generation of carboxylate: an efficient strategy for a one-pot synthesis of homo- and heterometallic polynuclear complexes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127(35), 12246-12253.
11. R. A. Polunin, S. V. Kolotilov, M. A. Kiskin, O. Cador, S. Golhen, O. V. Shvets, L. Ouahab, Z. V. Dobrokhotova, V. I. Ovcharenko, I. L. Eremenko, V. M. Novotortsev, V. V. Pavlishchuk Structural flexibility and sorption properties of 2D porous coordination polymers constructed from trinuclear heterometallic pivalates and 4,4′-bipyridine Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2011, 4985–4992.
12. E. A. Mikhalyova, S. V. Kolotilov, O. Cador, M. Zeller, S. Trofimenko, L. Ouahab, A. W. Addison, V. V. Pavlishchuk, A. D. Hunter The role of the bridging group in exchange coupling in dinuclear homo- and heterometallic Ni(II) and Co(II) complexes with oxalate, oxamidate and dithiooxamidate bridges Dalton Trans., 2012, 41 (37), 11319 – 11329.
13. E. A. Mikhalyova, S. V. Kolotilov, M. Zeller, L. K. Thompson, A. W. Addison, V. V. Pavlishchuk, A. D. Hunter Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of Nd3+ and Pr3+ 2D polymers with tetrafluoro-p-phthalate Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 10989–10996.
14. R. A. Polunin, S. V. Kolotilov, M. A. Kiskin, O. Cador, E. A. Mikhalyova, A. S. Lytvynenko, S. Golhen, L. Ouahab, V. I. Ovcharenko, I. L. Eremenko, V. M. Novotortsev, V. V. Pavlishchuk Topology Control of Porous Coordination Polymers by Building Block Symmetry, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 5055–5057, 2005, 44(16), 5903-5910.
15. Gavrilenko K.S., Punin S.V., Cador O., Golhen S., Ouahab L., Pavlishchuk V.V. In situ generation of carboxylate: an efficient strategy for a one-pot synthesis of homo- and heterometallic polynuclear complexes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127(35), 12246-12253.